Saturday, June 25, 2011

Editing my blog is definitely becoming an adventure...

So, not that anyone reads this, but I've changed the colors, background etc, etc...about a million times in the past few days, which is driving me crazy. I think this qualifies as an adventure, one that I have put way too much energy in, and I'm sure I have much better use of that for something better, being Saturday and all...but I can't let it go, I want it perfect!
Like we say in Spanish..."ya pone el huevo!" ...which translates to "lay the egg already!" ... I know, I know...what difference can it make?, its what's on the inside that counts, right?, or in this case, it's the writing that counts...come on know what a little makeover can do? :)
I've looked at other blogs,(ok, I've been spying on other blogs) and they all inspire me to update mine...maybe I have "blog jealousy"? But hey you can always improve right?
maybe is the fact that I'm always in search of something better, maybe because I love change...
right now it will stay like it is...for the next few hrs...and then I'm sure if you come back later today, it will have changed again...sorry! :)
If you like any of them, definitely let me know, I little encouragement never hurts!
Happy Saturday everyone!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Argentina con Amigas!

Sil's Birthday!...Girl you're still older than me! jaja...even if by 10 days!
(Cumple de Sil!...Amiga, seguis siendo mas vieja! jaja aunque sea por 10 dias!)

With Vero, Eli and Matt in "Parque Independencia" ...Rosario...
(Con Vero, Eli y Matt en el Parque Independencia, Rosario...)

Being Silly!

BBQ night with awesome friends @ Kari's house!
(Asadito y Geniales Amigas en la casa de Kari!)

My former house (the one in yellow)...It was not yellow when we lived there! wow...that is very yellow! jaja
(La que era mi casa - la de amarillo!...que no era amarilla cuando vivia ahi..ehh ojo!! ....que amarillito ehhh!!! )

Matt with his cousins!! he learned lots of spanish in this trip!
(Matt con los primos! Aprendio mucho Español en este viaje! )

Downtown Rosario, Argentina (Left) , Stock Market in Rosario (Right)
Centro de Rosario, Argentina (Izq.), Bolsa de Comercio Rosario (Der.)

With friends in Arroyito, Rosario (home of the best team ever..."Central"
Con amigas en Arroyito, Rosario...donde esta el mejor equipo..."Central"

The best sandwiches BCN they would call these "bikinis" ...these will rival any....In Rosario they are called "Carlitos" not sure why...they have: thin, crustless bread, ham, cheese, salsa golf (kinda like mayo and ketchup but no pickles, so not really 1000 Island, green olives, heart of palm and rosted red bell pepper! ...mmmm...I sooo want one right now!
(Los mejores sandwiches del mundo...en Barcelona los llaman "bikinis" ...estos le ganan a cualquier otros...En Rosario Se llaman "Carlitos" no se porque...Estos tenian: jamon,queso, salsa golf, aceitunas, palmitos y pimientos morrones...mmmm como me comeria una ahora!

Beautiful Monument to the Flag in Rosario, Argentina (Left), Luna, Matt & Magi (each of our kids)
Hermoso Monumento a la Bandera en Rosario, Argentina (Izq), Luna, Matt & Magi (los pendex de cada una de las amigas) jaja

Hanging out with friends...we did a lot of I miss you guys!
Boludeando con amigas...cuanto de eso hicimos! ...como las extraño!

One of the gorgeous streets in Rosario!
Una de las hermosas calles en Rosario!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The pictures above were from my daytrip to Wicklow, Ireland. This was an incredible place, where pictures you take look like postcards...truly a place to go "camara happy". I don't think Ive ever seen so much green.. gorgeous bright green...even the trees! I bought the tour from the T.O. in Dublin (which was a former church transformed into the Tourist Office).

The picture on the Left is the Celtic Cross, you are suppost to hug it and make a wish! The
picture on the right is a random street in Dublin.

View from my hotel room (Left) Eliza Lodge...very conveniently located in Temple Bar...the area with all the pubs! ..On the right, is my friend "P" from Argentina living in Dublin, we had so much fun...our fav bar was Porterhouse...& their Strawberry Beer!

Tourist Office (Left) previously a church...& Temple Bar area (Right)...this picture was taken on a street around the corner from my hotel Eliza Lodge -how convenient!

Georgian style houses (Left), Me and "P" in Temple Bar (Center), Grafton Street famous for its shopping (Right)

Guinness factory and the Irish Stew with Guinness Beer in it! they make it inside the factory in the restaurant....this stew was sooo good! I also got to try and perfect my Beer pouring skills in the 4th floor of the factory and I even got a Certificate!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Paris and Versailles

The one on the right is a bedroom at the palace of Versailles, France...boy...would I love a bedroom like this! ...the palace is a must and totally worth a visit!
It's very easy to get to from Paris by metro... The one on the left was my room at the Hotel Sorbonne in Paris...modern version?...coincidence?..I think not!
By the way, great, inexpensive hotel, great area near everything.

Hall of mirrors (Left) and Bed of Louis IV (Right)

Versailles palace church (Left) and Palace from the outside (Right)

Streets of Paris... and Arc de Triumphe

Inside Notre Dame (Right) and Outside Notre Dame (Left) beautiful!...I was able to go up to the top, which requires lots and lots and lots of little tiny stairs...but way worth it for the incredible views!

Finally made it to the top of Notre Dame!...incredible views...on the right is a picture of Notre Dame up close once I got to the top.

These ones needs no introduction...

My favorite area of Paris has to be the Marais (the Jewish Qtr)...I took a wonderful walking tour on a chilly afternoon...then after the tour I went shopping in the gorgeous shops bought some perfumes and other things I didn't need! ja ja and bought from a street vendor a Ham & Cheese Crepe and Vin Chaud (hot wine) ...needless to say...i was very happy & was by best day in Paris! for sure will go back...