Wednesday, July 13, 2011


How to access your money without it putting a hole in your wallet?
To many people, this is the last thing on their minds when planning a vacation but you should know that you are in for a big surprise!

I am a huge fan of Capital One credit card, who does not charge any foreign transaction fee, despite the fact that Visa or MasterCard charges them (Capital One) a 1% transaction fee, that most banks, in turn, pass on to their customers.
Capital One literally takes a 1% loss on every purchase you make using their Credit Card! How nice of them, right! ...I'm a fan, for sure!

Bank of America has alliances with certain banks (PNB Paribas in Paris & Barclay's in the UK), and for that, you are not charged for using your debit card to withdraw money from those banks. However, if you find a Barclay's in Spain, for example, you do get charged.

Flyerguide, has a very handy list of banks and their associated fees for international debit transactions.
Just click on the link below, and find your bank.

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